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Job Vacancy

PT PLN or PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara is one of the SOE (State Owned Enterprises) in charge of the electricity sector in the country of Indonesia. The company is headed by a director Nur Pamudji utaman ie, replacing the previous president director Dahlan Iskan who became minister of state in the Electricity Inaugurated in Indonesia started in the late 19th century, when several Dutch companies set up power generation for its own purposes. The utilization of electricity for public use starting from Dutch private company NV. NIGM to expand in the field of electric power, which was originally only engaged in gas. Then expanded with the establishment of private companies. PT PLN is a company which has a vital role in Indonesia.

PT PLN and several subsidiaries such as congenital heart disease and Indonesia Power is a major source of electricity in Indonesia, so the emblem PT PLN has a special meaning in each of the components, such symbols is a description of the vision and mission that guide PT PLN. The symbol includes: Sector Vertical Rectangle, Lightning or Lightning, Three Waves. Along with the development company that is always dynamic company has the vision and mission of directing the company towards a better direction to meet the expectations for the Indonesian people. Vision and mission, among others:


Recognized as World Class Company Growing flowers, Superior and Reliable resting on Human Potential.

Run electricity business and other related fields, oriented to customer satisfaction, corporate members and shareholders.
Making electricity as a medium to improve the quality of community life.
Keeping electrical power into driving economic activity.
Running a business activity that is environmentally sound.
Moto Company

Electricity for a Better Life
Then dalan about the purpose of the establishment of the company is to conduct electricity supply business for public interest in adequate quantity and quality as well as fostering the advantages and carry out government assignments in the electricity sector in order to support the development by applying the principles of limited liability companies. Along with the Government's policy that provides opportunities for the private sector to engage in the business of supplying electricity, so since 1994 the status of PLN switch from Public Company to Limited Liability Company (Persero) as well as PKUK in providing electricity to the public interest until now.

The company's head office address:

PT PLN (Persero)
Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M-I No. 135
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
Tel. 021 7251234, 7261122
Fax. 021 7221330

In achieving and realizing the goals set out in the vision and mission of the company later in August 2016, PT PLN re-open the latest jobs PT PLN for job seekers who have recently graduated or who already have work experience to fill the post of work in the office vacancy listed below, for job seekers who are interested please consider carefully the requirement or requirements are needed at each position or in positions that are needed in order to increase employment in the recruitment process. The following is a vacancy in the office at this time employment opportunities opened by the company following qualifications.

Vacancy PT PLN Position:


Educational Requirements:

Education S2:
Mechanical Electrical Power (code: S2 / ELE)
Mechanical Engineering (code: S2 / MES)
Law (code: S2 / HKM)
Master of Professional Psychology (code: S2 / PSI)
Management / Industry (code: S2 / MAN)
Sociology (code: S2 / SOS)
Finance / Accounting (code: S2 / AKT)
S1 / D. IV:
Electrical Engineering, Strong Flow, Power System (code: S1 / ELE)
Electronics, control (code: S1 / ALE) (Not Telecommunication)
Industrial Engineering (code: S1 / IND)
Education D III:
Electrical Engineering, Strong Flow, Power System (code: D.III / ELE)
Electronics, control (code: D.III / ALE) (Not Telecommunication)
Marketing Management, Business Administration, Business Administration, Office Administration (code: D.III / MAN)
Information (code: D.III / INF)

General Requirements for Job Seekers:

Status unmarried and willing to marry for undergoing Training Prajabatan.
Preferably Male
Age :
Education S2: Birth in 1988 and thereafter
S1 / D. IV: Birth in 1990 and thereafter
Education D.III: Birth in 1992 and thereafter
S2 / ELE, S2 / MES, S2 / HKM, S2 / PSI, S2 / MAN, S2 / SOS, S2 / AKT, S1 / IND, D.III / MAN, D.III / INF ≥ 3:00
S1 / ELE, S1 / ALE, D.III / ELE, D.III / ALE GPA ≥ 2.75
Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances

Job Application Files:

I. Applicants who pass the psychological test, MANDATORY complete the following registration file. If the file can not be furnished, the participants disqualified. Here is the file to be prepared:

Job application letter addressed to:
PT PLN (Persero)
c.q. Head of the Division of Human Resources Development and Talent
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of diploma / Certificate of Graduation legalized
Copy of final transcripts legalized
copy of ID card
Unmarried Certificate of Village
Recent color photograph of size 3 × 4 cm 2 pieces (the participant's name written on the back of the photo)
Applicants for Foreign graduates, must attach a Certificate of Higher Education of the equality of education and GPA
Applicants for the graduate program of the Cross Channel (D.III that forward to D. IV / S1), must attach:
D.III legalized transcripts
D.III diploma legalized
Files included in the folder (for S2 GREEN, BLUE for S1 / D. IV and RED color for D.III) according to the above sequence by writing the name and code of the proposed on the cover of the folder.
II. Applicants only allowed to choose one (1) Field / Department appropriate level of education and study programs / areas of interest owned.

III. Call participants, passing each stage of the test and the test site will be announced via the website: PLN. co. id

Selection stages:

Selection Administration
Intelligence tests
Academic and English tests
Psychological tests
Medical check up
(To applicants with disabilities, imposed specific requirements according to the needs and conditions apply)
Training Prajabatan
* The order of selection phases can be changed according to the needs of PT PLN (Persero).

Other Information:

The order of selection phases can be changed according to the needs of PT PLN (Persero)
No correspondence relating to this recruitment and decision Admissions Team
Employees can not be contested.
Is free of charge in following the selection organized by PT PLN (Persero).
No refund or replacement system transport and accommodation costs related
With the implementation of the selection. PT PLN (Persero) is not liable for any form of loss caused by fraud on behalf of PT PLN (Persero)
During the selection process, if there is a mismatch of data, participants expressed FALL.
Selection Stages (from administrative selection to interview) will be held in each city.

Registration Procedures:

Expected for job seekers who are interested in a job PT PLN latest in July 2016 above and feel meet all the needs that are required to be able to quickly complete the file job applications include a CV and file other complementary accordance requisite specified then please please follow the registration procedure prescribed by companies with sending a job application to the company.

Thanks for reading Jobs BUMN PT PLN

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