PT Pertamina (Persero) formerly named Company Oil and Gas Country sequence 122 in the Fortune Global 500 in 2013 is a state that is charged with managing oil and gas in Indonesia. Pertamina never has the monopoly of the establishment of retail outlets in Indonesia, but the monopoly has been abolished by the government in 2001. The Company also operates seven refineries with a total capacity of 1051.7 MBSD, petrochemical plants with a total capacity of 1.50795 million tons per year and the LPG plant with capacity total 102.3 million tons per year. Pertamina is the combined result of the company Pertamina and Pertamina, which was established on December 10, 1957. This merger occurred on the main 1968.Direktur (CEO), who served today is Karen Agustiawan, he was appointed by the State Enterprises Minister Djalil Syofan on February 5, 2009 replaces the Managing Director of the Hernanto old Ari Soemarno. Karen Agustiawan inauguration of this important historical record since he became the first woman to occupy the highest office in the largest state-owned companies belong to Indonesia.
Pertamina in organizing business activities in the field of energy and petrochemicals, is divided into upstream and downstream sectors, and supported by the activities of subsidiaries and joint ventures. In 2013, Pertamina is ranked 122 of the 500 best companies Fortune Global version of the world. In running the business activities of the company, PT Pertamina has a foundation, guidelines and philosophy of life companies to be able to steer the company toward a better future, further contribute to the country and Indonesia Society. The guidelines form the vision and mission of the company are:
Become a World Class National Energy Company.
Conduct business oil, gas, and renewable energy in an integrated manner, based on the principles of a strong commercial.
In support of this vision and mission, PT Pertamina set a long-term strategy of the company called "Aggressive in Upstream, Profitable Downstream in", which the Company seeks to expand upstream and downstream sector to make business more efficient and profitable. Then PT Pertamina uses a solid foundation in carrying out their work to realize the vision and mission of the company to implement corporate governance that comply with global best practice, as well as the carrying values of corporate which has been owned and understood by all elements of the company, namely Clean, Competitive, Confident, Customer-focused, Commercial and Capable. Along with that the company also continues to run its social and environmental programs are programmed and structured, as the embodiment of concern as well as its responsibility to its stakeholders.
The company's headquarters:
PT Pertamina (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A,
Jakarta 10110
Tel: 500-000 (local)
In achieving and realizing the goals set out in the vision and mission of the company later in August 2016, PT Pertamina re-open the latest jobs PT Pertamina for job seekers who have recently graduated or who already have work experience to fill the job titles in office vacancies listed below, for job seekers who are interested please consider carefully the requirement or requirements are needed at each position or in positions that are needed in order to increase employment in the recruitment process. The following is a vacancy in the office at this time employment opportunities opened by the company with the following qualifications.
Job Seeker requirements:
Education min D3
Derived from the department:
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Min GPA 2.75
TOEFL score: PBT (350) / IBT (30) / IELTS (4.5) / TOEIC (350)
Physically and mentally healthy
actively organize
Willing to be placed throughout the operation of PT Pertamina (Persero)
Job Application Files:
For those interested and meets the above criteria, please fill out the form available at the Institute of Technology Surabaya with the following documents:
Participant registration form college programs that have been filled out and signed, download [HERE]
FC valid identification
CV to include an email address, phone number, and address of current residence
FC diploma D3 have legalized or certificate of graduation
FC last academic transcripts that have legalized
FC TOEFL certificate (can be attached at the latest at the time of the interview)
Registration Procedures:
Expected for job seekers who are interested in a job PT Pertamina latest in August 2016 above and feel meet all the needs that are required to be able to quickly complete the application file work includes job application letter, CV and file supplementary job application such as those mentioned above, then please please follow the registration procedure prescribed by the company is sent directly to the address:
ITS Student Advisory Centre (SAC-ITS)
SAC Building, First Floor
Kampus ITS Surabaya 60111 Sukolilo
Tel. : 031-5925880, 031-5994251 ext. 1135 and 1291
Fax. : + 62-31-5925880
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