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Jobs PT Kereta Api Indonesia

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PT Kereta Api Indonesia is one of the SOE (State Owned Enterprises) which is engaged in the rail transportation services that include passenger and freight. In late March 2007, parliament passed a revision that describe private investors and the local governments are given the opportunity to manage the rail freight services in Indonesia. On August 14, 2008 PT Kereta Api Indonesia separating Greater Jakarta division into PT Kereta Api Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ) to manage rail commuters in the greater Jakarta area. during 2008 the number of passengers exceeded 197 million. On September 28, 2011, coinciding with the commemoration of the birthday-66, PT KAI launched a new logo, with metal new PT KAI hopes to give a new spirit to the employees of PT KAI to be more accomplished, responsible and provide the best service to the community Indonesia in particular passenger train in Indonesia. and the people of Indonesia continue to rely more on means of mass transportation such as trains from the use of their personal vehicles.

PT Kereta Api Indonesia to act consistently in accordance with the values ​​of the organization's policies and code of conduct. The Company has an understanding and a desire to conform to the policy and the ethics and act consistently although it is difficult to do so. As described in the company's vision, mission, corporate simpol described as follows:

3 Curved lines: symbolizes dynamic movement PT KAI in achieving its vision and mission.
2 orange color line: symbolizes the process of Excellent Service (Customer Satisfaction) addressed to internal and external customers. White arrows symbolize Values ​​Integrity, to be possessed beings PT KAI in realizing Excellent Service.
1 blue curved lines: symbolizes the spirit of innovation to be done in providing added value to stakeholders. (Programming is done in the spirit of synergy in all areas and starting from the smallest things that can be shot.)
In these symbols gives values ​​that describe the vision and mission of PT KAI:


The vision of becoming the best rail service providers to focus on customer service and meet the expectations of stakeholders

The mission held a railway business and supporting business business, through business practices and the best organizational model to provide high added value for the stakeholders and the environment is based on four main pillars: Safety, Punctuality, service and comfort.
Address of headquarters:

PT Kereta Api Indonesia - KAI (Persero)
Jl. Pioneer Independence 1
Bandung - 40117
West Java
Tel: (022) 4230031
Fax: (022) 4203342

In achieving and realizing the goals set out in the vision and mission of the company later in August 2016, PT Kereta Api Indonesia re-open the latest jobs PT Kereta Api Indonesia for job seekers who have recently graduated or who already have work experience to fill the job title in office vacancies are listed below, for job seekers who are interested please consider carefully the requirement or requirements are needed at each position or in positions that are needed in order to increase employment in the recruitment process. The following is a vacancy in the office at this time opportunities opened by the company with the following qualifications.

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